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Charles's Icom706MKIIG_V6-2 Manager web page.


The original "Icom706MKIIG_manager" was, and is faulty! DO NOT USE
The serial port I used in my latest Delphi programme was, unknown to me, buggie. doing unexpected things which screwed up channel selection.
We have now found a good serial port and have extensively tested all functions with it.

The main core of the programme is unchanged but have made a few superficial alterations.
The help file is now correct for this version.
The files are once again zipped in *.zip and *.7z and do not now give a false virus error.

For clarity, from this release I will be including the release number on the zip and file names.

Current release is: 250108.


Hi, this is a quickly built site to allow you to download my Icom Manager.

There was some discussion recently on the Icom706MKIIG face-book page about programming channels into the Icom706MKIIG. It was said it was not possible as the radio was too old! Not true!

Some ten plus years ago I wanted to see if I could do just that. After lots of reading and many tries, I ended up with what is now the Icom706MKIIG Manager.

I have been using it ever since with no problems. So a week or so ago I got it out and did a bit of housekeeping on it. If you are interested, click above to view a screen shot, or download.

What is it?.

It is written in Delphi for the IC706MKIIG but in theory should also work on the IC706MKII and IC706 by selecting the appropriate CI-V address for that radio (NOT tested). It uses no other files except a com port con-fig file, A "names" file for comments that match to frequencies. It will read 99 channels from radio memory. any channel can be modified and written back to the radio. Save all channels to file or the radio. read from file. A help and about page is included.

It is possible to save to file configurations for different channel plans, and load one in minutes prior to wanting to use it.

Communication with the radio is via CI-V interface. A serial port to data stream. Easily made, mine uses a rs232 chip and has worked reliably for over ten years.
The CI-V is also good to communicate with many other programs. e.g. HRD, wxtoimg, and many others. Allowing data to flow in both directions.

Things that are read from and to the radio are:

Mem Loc, Freq VFO A, Freq VFO B, Mode, Filter, Duplex/Split, offset.

The Comment is not read from or written to the radio but is populated from the "names" file.
If comments are loaded in the manager, they will be saved to file when config is saved and when that file is read into the manager.

It is not possible to read or write CTCSS or tone settings to the radio!

The zip contains:

Icom706MKIIG_Manager_V6_2-REL.exe Programme
Comport.ini ComPort Config(loads last setup on start).
Default.txt A saved data file.
Names.txt Comments for Frequencies.

One guy suggested that I sell this to a company, I guess for them to make money out of it.
At my age! I'm not into that!

So this is FREE TO ALL. NOT to be sold.

It comes as is. I take no responsibility for any perceived damaged caused by the use of this programme.

If you find this useful. drop me a line to say so. g7nzy1@gmail.com

Have fun and enjoy.
